Cohesu is committed to improving access to education for children in rural Kenya. Usoma Primary School is one of the many schools Cohesu is supporting. The school is located just a few meters from the Kenya Pipeline terminal and Kisumu Airport, and has a population of 375 pupils including baby class and nursery school. Despite numerous setbacks, the teachers and children are vibrant and enthusiastic in their pursuit of better education.
However, Usoma faces many challenges that hinder the school's academic performance and the health and social development of the children. The school lacks clean water, proper sanitation, and adequate classroom conditions. The children often have to bring water from home, which is not potable, and there is no way for them to wash their hands after visiting the toilets. The classrooms are mud-walled, and many don't have doors, blackboards, or enough desks. The roofs often leak, making it impossible to use the classrooms when it rains.
Moreover, many of the children are orphans, and some stay alone with siblings. Absenteeism is high as many children often skip school to look for money to help themselves. A feeding program that used to help keep the children in school has stopped, and many children cannot afford examination fees. The school is also supposed to be relocated due to the expansion of the Kisumu Airport, which has left the students and teachers marginalized.
Cohesu is working to improve the conditions at Usoma Primary School. We are providing resources to improve water quality, sanitation, and classroom conditions. We are also providing support for orphaned children, and encouraging donors to assist with examination fees and provide sanitary pads to the girls. By supporting Usoma Primary School, Cohesu is improving access to education for children in rural Kenya, and ensuring a brighter future for these students.